Japan Provided Patrol Aircraft and What Else?

Published on April 21, 2017 by

The Philippine Navy officially received the first two of five TC-90 patrol planes from the government of Japan last month.

Japan has agreed to lease five patrol planes to the Philippines at minimum cost. The delivery of the remaining patrol aircraft is expected in 2018.

It’s been a decade past, Japan strictly implemented rules banning the export of military equipment but as the East China Sea and west Philippine sea tension are rising. Prime Minister Abe lifted the banned with a particular condition.

Under the Three Principles, “arms” exports to the following countries or regions shall not be permitted:

(1) communist bloc countries

(2) countries subject to “arms” exports embargo under the United Nations Security Council’s resolutions, and

(3) countries involved in or likely to be involved in international conflicts.

One of the beneficiaries of the lifted banned is our country.

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