Hospitals as Medical and Logistics Hub Taken Over by Government Troops

Published on July 20, 2017 by

During the fight of Country’s soldiers against Maute-ISIS Group, Troops were found two hospitals in Marawi that was considered a base of the terrorist group. The hospitals were used by Maute group as their logistics and medical hub while fighting against the government forces. Recently, military forces found out these hospitals were already destroyed by the terrorist group.

While in Iligan City, Doctor Abbas, M.D., the military informed that the hospital was taken over by the government troops, but the hospital was considered as unusable.

Though the hospital was already in the hands of troops, Doctor Abbas and civilians were still not allowed to enter the area because it is still in a war zone.

Recently, the visitors in Kapitolyo were seriously disturbed when a parked car was hit by a stray bullet even the area was considered as a safe zone.

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