Tag: Future technology

Advanced Laser Tech

Top 10 US Combat Technology in the Near Future

Some 10 lists of United States military near future fully developed combat technology. From unmanned surface vehicle, unmanned combat aircraft, unmanned truck convoy, unmanned underwater underwater vehicle (shark) to multimission destroyer, electromagnetic railgun technology and laser technology. This tech would be eventually change the battlefield.

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle – MQ-9 Reaper Armed Drones

The MQ-9 Reaper is an armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long-endurance remotely piloted aircraft that is employed primarily as an intelligence-collection asset and secondarily against dynamic execution targets.   Given its significant loiter time, wide-range sensors, multi-mode communications suite, and precision weapons — it provides a unique capability to perform strike, coordination, and reconnaissance against high-value, fleeting, […]

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Future Technology – A Carabao or a Horse?

The LS3 is programmed to follow an operator through terrain, carrying heavy loads like water and food to Marines training. The Legged Squad Support System has taken five years in concept developed by Boston Dynamics. The LS3 is being tested by the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab during their Advanced Warfighting Experiment testing future technologies and […]

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Future Technology – US Army Unmanned Military Convoy Vehicles

Autonomous Mobility Applique’ System Demo at the Savannah River Site, SC on May 2014. The AMAS kit can transform ordinary military trucks into optionally-manned vehicles. The demonstration will include a fully unmanned convoy featuring unmanned lead vehicles that are able to negotiate traffic, follow rules of the road, recognize pedestrians and avoid obstacles as they […]

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