Philippine Navy to Replace Older Warship with Bigger and More Capable

Published on November 24, 2018 by

Last March 15, it retired BRP Rajah Humabon (PS-11) after 38 years and on Oct. 31, the PN also retired the BRP Bienvenido Salting (PC-112) after 22 years in service.

According to Philippine Navy spokesperson, It costs more to operate and maintain older naval vessels. Zata made this comment when pressed on whether or not the recent decommissioning of some of its senior vessels left the Navy short-handed.

“We’re actually optimizing available resources in decommissioning Navy ships. Personnel, equipment, and funds needed to maintain older ships are being transferred to support newer and more capable vessels.

It actually cost more funds to maintain and sustain older ships than it is for newer ones. Likewise, there is a need to train personnel to handle newer and more modern equipment and weapons systems,”

The Spokesman said the decommissioned vessels will be replaced by a South Korean provided Pohang-class Warship and the two missile-armed frigates.

“A Pohang-class frigate will be available by the first half of next year while (one of the two) the new and purposely built (missile-armed frigates) for the Philippine Navy will be delivered by the following year, 2020,” he added.


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