Epifiano Delos Santos Avenue, when we say EDSA, what comes to everyone’s mind? Traffic? Pollution? Traffic? Or the historical event that captured the hearts of the world, the People Power Revolution? Have we seen the significance of this very special event in present lives? Have we seen the values of telenovela-like action, drama, intense with opposition to main characters, the plot, the setting and its implied lessons?
30 means the end of a story, does it specifically mean that in its 30th year, EDSA will be drowned only in the memories of many?
What is the roots of EDSA People Power anyway?
1986, People Power Revolution ousted the run of dictatorship of a leader known as Ferdinand E. Marcos, the longest reigning President of the Philippines.
Fidel V. Ramos said that he is not one of the roots of People Power Revolution, but the burning hearts of the Filipino people. He geared himself up with a rosary, ready to sacrifice his life for the people. “There is divine Commander-in-Chief directing the situation,” Ramos said.
Juan Ponce Enrile claimed that they did something to justify martial law. Staged ambush was part of the plan and outlined martial law which Enrile denied recently.
Media covering the press conference of the President are all foreigner for local media is shut and controlled by the President.
Philippine Army was divided into loyalists of Marcos and those hungry for freedom of the Philippines.
What pulsed the people?
Media were shut down and controlled, government manipulated the news that there’d be no opposing views to the New Society that the government is establishing.
Radio Veritas is an on air radio that swung against the government. It remains still opposing the government despite the threats it received from the dictatorship of Marcos.
Many people took part of the August Twenty One Movement (ATOM) that was called out by the brother of late Benigno Aquino.
Cardinal Sin called out for people’s share, solidarity and support to put an end into the punishment that everyone’s experiencing regardless age and status.
Filipinos had kapit-bisig for Fidel V. Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile as they protected the latter while roaming EDSA. Without raising armed conflict and shedding of life and blood, people raised and protected one another against the threats of the government.
Enrile warned the people nervously that EDSA will be bombed due to suggestion of the loyal Fabian Ver and approval of the then President Marcos, but that didn’t faint the people’s faith, but rather strengthened one’s trust to another.