3rd Boat Attack Missile Division of NFWM plays key role in Tawi-Tawi FMO resulting to the neutralization of ASG Subleader and Rescue of Indonesian kidnapped victim.
On the morning of March 19, 2021, BA491 of 3rd BA Missile Division responded to Naval Task Group Tawi-Tawi’s (NTG-TT) directive to proceed Tandungan Island via Tandubas to pursuit ASG subleader Hajan Sahijuan also know as Apo Mike and Rescue the Indonesian Kidnapped victim Khairuldin Bin Ye Kii in captivity. Fifteen (15) Force Reckon Group personnel based in 2nd Marine Brigade Headquarters boarded the BA at Lamion Wharf and sprinted to the area of interest. BA491 linked with three (3) speed boats manned by PNP Maritime Group Special Operations unit 1 (PNP-MG SOU1) and personnel from MBLT-6 at Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi.
It was in this link up that Command Team of MBLT6 led by Maj Wamil PN(M) boarded BA491 and discussed to the CO of 3rd BA Missile Division, Commander Rowene G Colita PN about the intelligence report, scenarios and the recommended courses of Action for the mission. Immediately after the short briefing, BA491 proceeded to the area of interest specifically at Tandungan and Calupag Islands together with the 3 speedboats.
The team arrived in Tandungan in the mid-noon of March 19, 2021. BA491 disembarked the FRG personnel who will conduct the clearing operations at the island with seaborne support from the other 3 speedboats. A drone camera was also launched from BA491 to provide aerial surveillance coverage of the ground operatives.
The Team transferred its focused to Calupag Island after hearing words from the locals in the area of Tandungan that suspicious individuals in disguise as miners were seen at Calupag community. These suspicious individuals were able to seek food and water just at lunch time from one of the households of the said community. With this information, the team shifted its clearing operations towards Calupag Island.
BA491 remained vigilant utilizing its mini-typhoon Machine Gun system sights to see clearly the joint clearing operations conducted by FRG and PNP-MG SOU1 at the island of Calupag. This mini-typhoon sight also served as a scout to see at a distance any surface contacts entering and exiting the island while the clearing operations of ground operatives was ongoing.
A total of four (4) motor bancas were detected through the system that led to interdiction and search. One of these four bancas became critical contact of interest as it fled to the shallow shores of Tandungan evading interception. The banca was disabled by mini-typhoon MGS as the two male passengers on board escaped towards the forested area of Tandungan Island.
The engagement became vital as the FRG found solar panels, chargers, cooked cassava, used clothing and pillows on board the disabled banca named 46 mobile legends. The banca has 2 outboard motors at 6 by 3 feet size.
Read the Full Article Here: Naval Forces Western Mindanao