Former foes last Second World War, Japan and Philippines had made a pact signed by both leaders to lease the Philippines five (5) TC90 aircraft to bolster its claims in the West Philippine Sea. Not just Japan, but United States and South Korea as well gave their full corroborate aircraft technology as evidences to their support in the country’s claim.
As Philippines expand its technology in armaments and spread its arms for its allies, China ascertained the aide that Japan has extended to Philippines that alarmed their country.
Through Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, he said “If the Philippines’ actions are to challenge China’s sovereignty and security interests, China is resolutely opposed.”
“I also want to point out that Japan is not a party to South China Sea issue and we are on high guard against its moves. We demand that Japan speak and act cautiously and not do anything to harm regional peace and stability.”
It is not a confidential top secret in the history of the world China, being the second largest economy in the world followed by Japan as third, have difficult political history rotted from Japan’s aggression regarding claims in East China Sea in the second World War. Maybe another reason why China spoke up is the video posted in social media and Youtube by Japan’s Foreign Ministry regarding the unlawful movements of China to disputed Spratlys Island.
Philippines spoke up answering the boiling blood of Chinese through Secretary Hermino Coloma Jr that although Philippines is one of the claimants of the controversial island, they do want to resolve the issue in a diplomatic and peaceful manner.
There are no clear intention in the side of the Philippines to create odds. According to Philippines’ Department of National Defense, the step that they make is a legal, authorized and a practice within the legal bounds of acquiring armaments that may be used for the defense and security of the country. Done and ironed in a legal and decent way.
Now my question is, is there any problem in innovation? Leveling ourselves up, escaping the grudges of being worse in the sector for defense in Asia? When we innovate, do we create wars or do we find better resort for our own welfare? Do we disintegrate other people’s right synonymous to what they did? Being a small and weak country as our neighbors call, does world took out our right to be better and one day stand our own feet and fight our own fight?
Yes, they are just taking preventive measure through public statements, giving warnings and signals to weaken our disposition, but will we let them take away our very own right to protect our people, life, liberty, property? Answer and weigh.